Volqancoin: White Paper Available On Volqan Official Website - HM's Tech Blogs


Thursday, 20 May 2021

Volqancoin: White Paper Available On Volqan Official Website

Volqancoin Is In Progress: White Paper Is Available On Official Website Of Volqan!!!

Volqancoin is a new crypto which is launching in the market on 30th May 2021 and Pre-Sale will be start in only 9 days!

Volqancoin have spreaded very fast in the market and among the people and are taking keen interest in this new crypto. In today's condition where crypto prices are falling hilariously, this new crypto has making a special place in people's mind!

The Volqancoin community has made available white paper on their official website to make a great impression on investors, so that investors can look into it and may think to invest in it. Now the question arise what is White Paper?

White Paper

A White Paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to educate readers and help them to understand and solve an issue. White Papers are no less editorial than other forms of content, but the depth of research lends them an authoritative tone.

The purpose of a white paper is to advocate that a certain position is the best way to go or that a certain solution is best for a particular problem. When it is used for commercial purposes, it could influence the decision-making processes of current and prospective customers.

"As a figure entrenched in both crypto and humanitarianism, VOLQAN inspired us to open the gate between the two. The small-cap cryptocurrency space is one of the few wild wests left on the internet. Buoyed by a frothing mix of humour and type, everyday retail investors put their money into these speculative assets hoping to see a return."  says VOLQAN Founder.

There is massive amount of capital and energy: a swirling vortex of internet culture and high-risk investments that they know could become so much more capital that would have never seen its way to a charitable organization, and now unites their community into something for the greatest good. 

Forever, embracing their roots in memes and internet culture, they have called their community to something greater than themselves. VOLQAN leverages the raw power of memes to ease the suffering of millions through charitable giving.

VOLQAN doesn't just enable passive large-sum donations, in fact they engage in fruitful discussions with charitable organizations, bridging them to the crypto space, and giving them access to a new world of capital and support.

The VOLQAN is working very smartly and in "Phases" so that the work can be done gratefully!

Phase 1:

  • Launch of website and social media channels
  • Partner with UK's No 1 marketing team and Charity stars
  • Launch the official white paper.
  • Establish VQ charity with multiple partnerships
Phase 2:

  • Conceptualization of NFT
  • Conceptualization of VQ charity
  • Donations are chosen by the community for several charities
  • Confirmation of Coingecko and coin market cap listing
  • Crowdfund for registrations and listing in major exchanges
Phase 3:
  • Confirmation of listing in major exchanges
  • Confirmation of VQ charity launch
  • App for VQ exchange (pre-sign ups)
Phase 4:
  • VQ to be used globally, coming into the real world for use cases

After pre-launch, VOLQAN will be immediately listed on Pancake Swap. Soon in the upcoming months, Volqan will be on most major exchanges.

VOLQAN Crypto is a sustainable community driven project to help people in need. Volqancoin is a charity-based cryptocurrency. Members of the VOLQAN ecosystem earn interest from network activity, all while benefitting our charity partnerships to help people in need.

Founder by the community and for the community, they take pride and action in their collective mission. Volqancoin claims it can make a real impact for the greater good. By donating to charity, it reminds their duty to make this world a better place for everyone.

It has full transparency - Open and honest about their plans and operations. 10% transaction fee rewards holders and donates significant sums to charity.

As mentioned above that crypto prices are falling hilariously and the crypto investors are taking blood bath! What are the views of VOLQAN community on this?

"We aim to give stability and a steady growth for our investors. We believe if the stakeholders are happy then we are also happy" says Zarif Can (Marketing Manager). "Yes, the markets right now are taking a blood bath but this should be a sign for new investors to research before actually buying a coin or token, there is no such thing as easy, quick money in this world." he added.

This makes sure that you should not buy any crypto before doing research for it. You should go thoroughly for any crypto before investing in it.

If you have any queries regarding volqancoin you can ask questions frankly on their social media platforms. Here are their social media platforms on which they are available.

Instagram Handle: Click Here To Follow
Twitter Handle: Click Here To Follow

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